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Monday, July 31, 2006
The party was a blast. Nope we didnt celebrate it at any clubs or wat. It was at home. Home Sweet Home.
The cake seems to be bigger than her, right? =) The cut-it-quick-n-lets-play kids. Family pic. Dont mind the roseng-ness. They make it so obvious yet the kids couldnt see the white paper. Waiting for guests. Look at the baby's face. Cute to the max. Father's side. N no the green thingy is not grass ok. =) Bf bought her this. N she's loving it. **Talking about bF. Do u know tt according to my mum, aisyah is d gF n im d scandal. She even pointed out certain stuff. Thinking abt it, i realised tt aisyah gets whatever she wants n when i want something, he will always say ''later lar..'' or he pretends not to hear. For aisyah's case, she need not even ask, he will buy anything n i mean anything for her. I guess my mum's right. UNFAIR. Tonight when aisyah's fast asleep,
Friday, July 28, 2006
Jeng Jeng Jeng. Yes i rebonded my hair. N yes i know its like wasting $$ as it looks the same. What to do my hair naturally straight. Hehe. Cant wait for tmr, have a date with syg, going shopping! Yes, im a rich lady this week. Got my attachment pay, my tuition gaji, n my fortnightly allowance frm dad. Woohoo! n bF is getting his pay tmr too. So if u guys r thinking of
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Happy 19th Birthday to My Sexy Girlfriend, Nursyazanna Syaira! p/S: sorry i couldn't come to ur not-so-surprised but surprised bday outing, hehe hope u had fun thou. =) Nway i had fun with bF. Its been a long time since we last spend time together. I really had fun n enjoyed myself.Thanks for the shirt honey & i really hope tt there will be more of this happy stuff thingy happening to us. I love u more than words can say.
Friday, July 21, 2006
.My Last Day of Attachment. no more having to go all the way to Boon Lay no more msn-ing, doodling, staring at the comp no more having long breaks n afternoon naps no more goin to jP for lunch & pretending to be nerdie office gals no more Uncle Krepeng-peng silly jokes & no more Tracy & Kakak's gossip time.. N for Irza.. i guess i see u in school on Monday. boohoo.
They say to love is to sacrifice.
What do u think? Btw i really like the video below. Its kinda sweet, funny and touching all in one.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Been having so much fun at work lately. Tts when im around the HR people to be exact. They really make me laugh so much til my stomach hurts. Me n Irza is really lucky to have a supervisor like Tracy, we will be d 1st group to go out for luch but the last one to come back. Lunch for us has nvr been less than 1hr. Haha. In the office, Tracy will practically shout either one of our name across the office instead of going over. But this week Irza shifted over to their side so left me all alone but tt doesnt stop me frm knowing all the jokes they had. We even got few nicknames for the people working there like 'gedebak' for this new comer n 'cicak' for this lady who don't reali noe how to speak english n etc2. And they really are good actors, they can be so nice infront of this ppl but
There's this one time i was in the store-room and suddenly Irza called my hp and ask me to quickly go to the toilet. Wanna know y? Tracy wanted us to make up for her. Haha. After tt i continue to do my stuff, Irza n Tracy went back to their table (not to get back to work of course) but to paint their nails. Triple Haha. Funny lar. I m so gona miss them. Did i make the right decision? Am i giving all the wrong signs to someone? But then again, What about my feelings, is there anyone out there who even cares about me?
Monday, July 17, 2006
. The girl with the broken smile . . Haagen Dazs . . Sweet candies . We love u kin!
p/S: To tt someone, thanks for everything, i know its just for a short while but it did make an impact in my life. Thanks for making me laugh once again. You know who u r. Don't worry i will remember u. Be a good penjaga gym. =) To the one, which i doubt you will read this, im giving u my heart once again, so please do take good care of it. My heart now is beyond fragile.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
HAPPY 19th BDAY TO MY VERY BESTFRIEND, NURASHIKIN!! Awk.. Thanks for being there for me. I don't think i can live without you. Really. You are there when im down and even when im feeling happy. You are one in a million. Thanks for entering in my life. I never wana lose you. Never. Hehe. Muacks!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Remember tt i told u guys, on my first day of work i was asked to PUNCH holes for abt 5-6 boxes of paper??.. I thought ttz the end of it, I realli thought i never hv to see them anymore. But i was WRONG!
And this is only half of them and there's already abt 15 files. Haiz biler nak habis... Sometimes i wished u were in my shoes..
Monday, July 10, 2006
Just came back..
Work today was extremely tiring, d moment i came in, invoices were already waiting for me on my table. Then one by one came to me ask to help them do this do that. They were like rushing me seh, padahal im new. By lunch time, i've finish with my invoices n d best thing is d NEW INVOICES CAME TOO!! WOW!! What perfect timing..!! In short, yest was such a busy day and i hope i wont have to go through tt ever again!! After work, i've got to give tuition. Oh Man. But i just drag my tired feet thinking tt its all for the $$ =p if not jgn harap lar nak buat nie semua. Then! THEN! u know what? BF msg asking whether i want to meet him. OF COURSE LAH DEH. Its been so long since i last met him. Seriously tau, on my way to meet him all d penat-ness semua hilang seh. Like magic like tt. I guess this is what they call LOVE. =) Went to Sinaran, he was with his grp of frens. They all just came back frm kubur n then etc etc. They then went off to play pool at Bt Timah but home for me, maklum lar besok keje. And then i realise tt something is weird abt bF bike, rupenye ada satu brake je. I ask what happen, he say a trailer langgar whilst at kubur tadi. Oh dear. Lepas satu, satu plak. But anyhoos i LOVE him to the MAX. =)
Thursday, July 06, 2006
We are STILL together okay. So PLEASE dont go around telling people we are not. Don't u ppl have any other better things to do, like jage ur own kain instead of jage tepi kain org?!
Its so frustrating! And to u, when are u gonna ask me out?
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Hello people.. miss me?? Hehe.. busy working lar, what to do..
Nwae work has been quite fun, get to learn new stuffs etc etc ( actually dah 3 hari but i only learn 1 new thingy) except for the part when i have to wait for them to give me work to do. 1st day - everything goes smoothly except for the part tt i was too kan-cheong and alighted one bus stop before the actual one, haha but i managed to reach on time. Met Irza den we went up together. We waited for abt an hour before they actually layan us. What to do they very busy mah. Then we were seperated, Irza went to HR dept n for me d Finance dept (but actually she just sit behind me, haha). Semua CINA seh, dey ask me to sit one side and i waited der for more than 1/2 hr and still i didnt do anything, but for Irza she started clearing n arranging the files in the dusty room. U know, i know lar ehk Irza, hehe. Overall i get along pretty well with the HR dept, dey are a bunch of funny people. Our Supervisor, Tracy is very friendly, infact all of them are friendly n still so childish even though they are BIG adults.Haha. And Irza i agree with u, they all hv big yah, we got our own table. normally in the morning i won't hv anything to do ttz y im so free, can smile here smile there. But around 2.30pm, letters of invoices will come in and this is what i normally do. Open them all, check their code (so troublesome) n stamp it. Then, i hv to key them in (there are 3 steps altogether, so leceh) can take up to 2 hrs plus doing all this and this havnt include printing them yet.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
WTF.. After writing so long, it just went blank. Stuupid. And im so lazy to write it all again. So let the pictures do the talking.
on our way to visit roshni @ SGH ni 3 minah senget in d shuttle bus the senoritas who visited Roshni on our way to town to meet up with zee n min the pretty couple plus hendra @ Swensen p/S : For the rest of the pic, do check out my multiply. |