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Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I know i've not been updating, basically im plain lazy. Hehe.
Nwaes school has been fun, wait it has always been fun. Except for the studying part. Decided not to go to school tmr, screw the concert thingy, confirm nothing exciting will happen. Haha. While walking home, it suddenly starts to rain, and if u all know where ite bishan is, frm my school to d mrt, is a long way. So we ended up running, yar in our school uni, along the road. Haha. Then since my aunt live near to the school we decided to borrow umbrella from her as it was raining darn heavily. Saw my uncle at the void-deck, dumb him, bukannye nak tumpang kan kite. haha. Then all 4 of us share an umbrella, luckily kite semua kecik molek. By the time we reached, we were all wet as the rain gets even heavier ( now tell me what kind of english is tt) Shldnt hv even bother to ask for an umbrella in the first place. Haha. while we're doing some weight training. =p The Ibu2' who always make my day. Well cant wait for tmr, will have a gathering at Zee's house. WOOHOO!!. =)
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Your eyes
which first held me captivated where I stood. Your smile to dazzle the sun and warm every corner of my soul. Your voice like a sparkling mountain stream which flows into my heart. Your laughter and the way you carry yourself takes my breath away. Your hair which my fingers love to run through as you leaned over me. Your hands whose caress I crave to hold my face in their tenderness. Your arms I long to have around my waist as you pull me close to your warmth. Most of all everything you are changed the way I feel about my life. I love you Md Ramadan. I suddenly feel like a poet. Haha. Those words just pop out of nowhere.Sometimes you just do things that you nvr thought you will be able to do. =) Well got to go now, going Bugis with zee, kyn n atyn to eat at Tong Seng shop there. Behind Parco, u peeps eat there b4? The food is nice right! Especially the laksa. yum yum.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
"Someone who u really love and are willing to go through all the trouble for him "
or "Someone who really loves u and is willing to go through all the trouble just for u" I came across this while i was watching tv just now. Which will u people rather choose? Its a tough choice i know. But if i were to be given a choice i would rather choose the later one, as i will be pretty sure that in his heart there's only space for me. You gonna experience this wonderful thingy feeling when you get to know tt u meant everything to that one person. Its like u mean so much to someone and its just worth living for. When you are down or angry and feel like doing something stupid, u will somehow realise tt there's someone out there who really cares for you. But then agn we have to face reality . Life is NEVER fair. Most of the time you wont get what you want, even when you already try your best. When you dont expect things to happen it just happen, n you cant do anything about it. So the only thing you can do is to just move on with your life, n hope tt tomorrow will be a better day. Nevertheless i still love my one n only Ramadan. =) Lets change topic, this week we ibu2 had so much fun. Every single day there will be some excitement going on. Practically everyday, there's something. On Monday, at the amphitheatre, Iffah make us laugh like hell, we couldnt control ourselves till we teared n i even fell off the seat. Yesterday, just like kindergarten kids, we actually locked Ain inside the toilet, switched off the light and went to hide. But even b4 we managed to hide, she ran and spotted us. And worse thing the section head was just at the opposite block. Haha. And just now, all of us squeezed in one cubicle just to avoid someone. We even went to the extend to kneel down to take a peek. And no, we're not peeping mary ok. Just wana make sure its not someone we dont wana see.Haha. This hv to be Ah Lim's lesson when 3/4 of the class are asleep. =) And yeah!!!! Hady Mirza is still in!! Must be because of the 2 votes i voted for. Haha.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Yest went to celebrate Ain's bday after school. We planned to dress up very d perempuan. Haha. So me, Iffah n Ain decided to wear a dress n Fiha her girly top. On our way to meet each other, we actually msged one another saying tt we're too paisey as people were looking at us, maybe they were thinking, princess2 maner yg terlepas nie. Haha.
We met Iffah at town, our stomachs were grumbling like hell so we decided to find a place to eat. And being the pandai us, we decided to walk all the way to PS to hv our dinner at Pizza Hut. Dengan kasut yg bunyi ketak ketuk, dgn baju yg angin tiup terus flying2, i tell u, ramai peminat yg tengok kita. Haha. After tt we planned to walk all the way to Bugis, pasal dah kenyang sangat kan, so ingatkan nak exercise lar, dgn kaki yg ber-blister2 tu. But at City Hall cannot take it already, so we took the train and alighted at Bugis. N tadaa, off to sheesha. N did i tell you my right eye suddenly hurts so much n it turns bloody red. Scary u! But tt didnt stop me from having fun except for the part tt i've to close my right eye most of the time. We had lots of fun, laughing out loud like nobody's business, dancing to the melody of those arab music, posing almost everywhere to take pics, and the endless stories we shared. And there was this group of Ang moh people near us who actually amek video kitorang yg tgh mcm pompuan gila tu. They are like forever looking at us, maybe they wanted to join us but were embarrassed to ask. Haha. Famous u! me n fiha iffah n bday girl chilli flavor pizza angels? peaceful. sweetness in the making. ooo. i've got mail. aww. a love letter? oh no! its a hate letter. (ddk maintain ar cik kak) bohoo. he wana 'dump' me. cheers. we're sheesha drunk. d start of d madness syndrome. dont let me catch u. arghh. retard-ness. the red eye monster. For the rest of the pics, if ur an avid reader of this blog, u shld know where to find it =)
Monday, August 14, 2006
.The photos. the "single" ladies for tt nite. i swear my smile looks fuggly. nie kes 2 by 2 ler nie. grp photo minus nana n d bf n farouq n fren. didnt managed to catch the nicer ones, was really engrossed watching it. cool shit huh. =) Was laughing non stop during Mr Lim's lesson today. I don't know what makes him so funny, just by hearing him talk, i couldn't control myself frm laughing my ass out. N we bullied iffah the whole day today, me n ain purposely pukul the
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Bought a new hp. Meaning tt all the msgs in the old hp had to be deleted. Well hopefully all d bad memories will be erased too.
Results are out. Scored 88/100 for Accounts and 38/40 for Banking. Did the Costing paper just now n i was the 1st girl to hand the papers up. So being the ever so KPo Mr Lim, he asked me a lot of stupid qns. To shut him up, i just say "Oh the paper was so easy tt i managed to write whatever i feel like writing". I mean like its no use staring at the paper for so long, its not as if the answer will pop out. Btw i've to tell u all a secret, after being in school for nearly 1 1/2 year, today was our first time taking the lift. Virgins ride! We ended up pressing the wrong button n have to stop at every level. Dumb. Haha One moment u feel as if ur on cloud 9 and the very next moment u feel as if ur going out of ur mind.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Happy National Day! Yesterday went to catch fireworks with half of the SuicideDollies. So let the pictures do the talking. =) The 3Ms (Marina, Mardhiah & Maisarah). We met up, went for our late lunch at town, meet Zach, go shopping for awhile then off to esplanade. Find a suitable place to sit.. n start camwhoring what else, while waiting for the rest to come =) zach, me , rosh, mai, zee, nana n mard. sitting ard, talking abt d sec shool times. laughing away at Mard's stupid jokes while waiting for the fireworks n tadaa! wishing upon the fireworks? n of coz the going home part. p/S: as usual, for the rest of d pics, check out my multiply.=)
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Yesterday while i was telling him abt my fren, he was really concerned abt her. So i pretend to be jealous, saying that he shld be more concern abt me n not my galfren. You know what he said. "I don't hv too. I have full trust in you."
Recently he's being going out every single night, with his friends. Once i teased him, saying that cant he just stay at home for 1 day. He's been meeting his frens every night. Tak jelak ke. He replied saying that "Life without friends has no meaning. Life without you has no LIFE." I dont really get him. But i like the sound of that. And there's this another incident, he msged me saying that his biggest fear is me leaving him. I was really touched when he said tt. He has been telling me that im the one he love. Every single day. But I just don't know what got into me. I feel so insecure nowadays, very very insecure. U know sometimes even after being told countless times, how much ur being loved, u will keep on being pessimistic. Im sure some of u agree with me. Haiz.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
1.Do the following without complain
2.Choose 6 bloggers to do this upon completion 3.Leave a tag on the 6 tagboards to announce she has been tagged. 4.Start your entry with "I've been tagged!" then do the following. I'VE BEEN TAGGED! by IFFAH. Favourites colour: black, green, pink food: for now its Thai Fried Rice.Yummy. song: anything pleasant to the ears. movie: horror n romantic. sport: netball?. season: if its not raining then its scorching hot here. what do u think. ice cream: cookies n cream! yam! Currents mood: exhausted. taste: ...... clothes: school uniform.haha desktop: squares all over. toe nail colour: didnt do pedicure. surroundings: peace. annoyance: none at the moment. thoughts: "how come nobody msg me since morning!" Firsts best friend: the SuicideDollies! crush: cant really remember.hehe. movie: hmm. cant recall. lie: wen i first learn to speak? haha. music: nursery rhymes. Lasts cigarette: i dont smoke. drink: plain water. haha. car ride: cant remember, i only remember the last bike ride. crush: hahahahaha. movie: Pirates of the Carribean. phone call: Ira. Cd played: its been ages. Have I Ever dated one of your best friends: yes. broken the law: hmm.tuhan saja yg tahu. been arrested: nope. skinny-dipped: nope. been on tv: hmm. kissed someone you dont know: NOPE. 5 things you are wearing: specs.school blouse.school skirt.hair clips.undergarments. 4 things you done today: Go school. watch NUS band perform at school. go Ira's house. Eat at Ira's house. 1 thing you do when your bored: sleep. what else.haha 6 ppl whom I want to do this thing: I dont wanna bother these people. =)
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Went to town with Fiya just now. She wanted to search for a dress. And she wants to hear my opinion. Feeling darn bored at tt moment of time, i decided to accompany her. We went ard searching for the perfect dress but she just couldnt find any that caught her attention. At last she bought 2 baby doll tops instead of a dress. N for me, of course i bought something for myself, i bought this jeans frm Collage. I've been eyeing for it since i first saw it. Really happy of course. The sales person is so friendly, he layan us really well. He even asked me to try on certain tops .Mcm feeling2 model gitu haha. He say i look nice in yellow lar, i look sexy in tt top lar. Yadaa yadaa. Im sure he's being nice and all so that we will buy more stuff frm him. But too bad. Haha
We were walking towards the bus stop when this guy bottom caught my attention. His legs were super duper thin seh. I wonder how in the world can his leg be so thin. Much thinner than my arms. Then Fiya pointed out the other one top. He was walking just beside the other guy. She says "This is what they meant by opposite attracts". Im not trying to discriminate or wat lar. But as we were walking we just cldnt stop giggling. Whenever they turn ard we will pretend to do something else. Hehe. This is why girls take a long time in the toilet. Hehe. Btw Ira seh i look very aunty here. Serious huh? Fiya getting all excited. Picture of the day. Tata.