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19 Sept 1987

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Email/Msn: rin_mar@hotmail.com

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Im having a sore eyes yet again. but this time, i realise there is something in my right pupil. a tiny white dot. so my mum asked me to go see a doctor. at first the doctor tried to get rid of that substance but to no avail. he then say it could be an infection. he gave me some medicine and say within the next few days if tt white tingy is still there, quickly come back to him. he say at tt point of time, we mite need to see a specialist. oh dear, i hope its nothing serious. i dont wanna go blind.

No, u cant see tt white tingy frm tiz pic. haiyoh.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Its 1.40am now and im all teary eyed. No, im not feeling down. I just finished watching the movie "HEART". It was a really touching story. I wouldnt want to be in either one of the girl's shoe. Imagine seeing the one u loved kissing another girl passionately infront of ur eyes. Or imagine wen ur having the most wonderful and perfect time with ur loved one and wish it will last but u know it never will as u only got a few days left. I mean like, how far would u go for the one u loved to make him stay by ur side forever? The ending of the story is really heartbreaking seh. Okay2, i wouldnt go into further details. U people should watch it.

Ape nak pinjam?? Bodek2 lar ngn kita dulu. Hehe. =)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Happy Birthday to u two!! I doubt u gonna ever read this but wth. Party hard!!
Sorry Fit & Md Noh for distorting ur cute faces. Haha.

Nwaes i've been thinking. what if i only got less than a year to live. or even only a month left. would it make any impact on any people. i find myself quite invisible sometimes. ok i admit. most of the times. wen im ard certain ppl. i donoe lar. maybe i was just being paranoid or maybe its true. wtf.

Anyhoos. there are certain things i wish to do before i hmm. lets just dont say it.
Firstly, it definitely will be the G-Max Reverse Bungy. its adrenaline-pumping action, heart stopping fear and mind-numbing speeds of up to 200km/h. waduh2. k i know its not the most thrilling cum scary ride but by far i think ttz d most fun ride i could think of in S'pore. those at Escape Theme Park is nothing to me. ceh ceh.
Secondly, hmm. i hvnt think of them yet. i will tell you wen i think of it. for now i really need to shit. seriously seh every night, since the start of the puasa, i will without fail. this has become a daily routine. oh dear. u tell me is tt good or bad. Oh shoot!! i really cant stand it.
Will update again later, or maybe tmr or wenever i feel like it. Now excuse me while i detox myself.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Hello gorgeous people. Pls vote for Hady Mirza okay. He deserves to win. Actually both Hady & Jonathan deserve to win but anyhoos if u like him, pls pls vote. Just by saying and not voting won't help u see. Awww. He's voice just melts my heart. Well do vote okay. Hidup Melayu, Merdeka!! oops wrong channel nwae not being a racists here, but hes darn good, n sorry to say this, he's kinda better than Taufik, don't u think so?! But Taufik is good, dont get me wrong k darlings.

Talking abt this, yest while goin to terawih. Yes i go ok. I tease Aisyah, saying tt Hady is bad, he didnt go terawih. N know wat she say. Apa saja, die kan kena nyanyi atas stage, so tak sempat lar gie terawih, tapi die puasa pe. Org kasi dia buka dulu baru die nyani. Tapi die kan puasa, bagus tu. Waduh2, like she's close to him gitu. haha.

Im sure u ppl love to sms so PLS SMS 2 to 43657 or CALL 1900 112 1902, okay. =p

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Gedebak gedebuk dah bulan Ramadhan n today is the first day of puasa. Which means tt,
29 more days to Hari Raya. Fortunately im still schooling which also means tt i will still get $$ raya. evil laughter. haha.

Anyhoos, 21 more days n school will re-open.
10 more days for the release of the results.
5 more days n its our 1 yr 9mths anniversary.

I wonder wat my Ramadan is doing now..

*K this entry is kinda lame, but boredom is definitely killing me.*

Friday, September 22, 2006

The outing was a blast. Was suppose to meet the Ibu2 at 4. But I can only go wen my mum reach home as i cldnt find my home key. Bf called saying he's hungry, so i teman him go makan at the food court near my house and locked only the gate of my house. While walking der's this makcik at the opposite end who keep smiling and pointing at us. We were in total blur-ness. She den pointed to me, and make some hand gestures on her face and gives a thumb up. Rupa2 nye, shes trying to tell us tt i look pretty. Haha. Me n bf dont know who she is, but thank u cik. =)

It was already 4.40 by then so bf send me to meet the ibu2. They were waiting for me at Marina Sq. We met and then went for dinner. Then off to sheesha. Al tazzaq was packed but we managed to find a place. The 3 of them were busy smsing. Then Fiha asked me to accompany her go toilet. When we came back, sane sini org ckp, oh hari nie pun bday die. N i saw cupcakes n presents on the table. Haha. No wonder u people were bz smsing. Thanks. =)

We were very uncomfortable at first, as the mat2 opposite us were so irritating. Our actions were all restricted seh. After a while we got so restless and decided to just heck care abt them, n tadaa started camwhoring, playing games etc. Had fun girls. Thanks a million. Btw ibu2, nanti buka puasa sama2 ye. =)

I have to say this to my darlings (atyn, kyn, mard, mai,the ibu2 & my one n only bf), tt im really touched for making my bday this year a very memorable one. Muackss.

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

*Warning: If u dont feel like reading something sweet, nice n long. Dont bother to read *

It was indeed one of d most memorable day for me. He wake me up at 12. Yes, at 12 im still sleeping, he asked whether i was feeling better. My stomach hurts like hell but i just said yes. He asked me to get ready n he will pick me up. N so, i took my time. Then i went down, thinking he still hasnt reached yet. But he was already there, with a sunflower by his side. Wishing me Happy Birthday n saying "You're just like the sun, there's only one sun in this whole universe and there's only u in my heart.." Awwwww.

We then went to eat at Zheng Do (i hope i got tt rite), korean food. The food is nice, try it ok. We then watched Little Men. This is where it all started. He received a msg, n die2 dont wana let me read n so i was like jeling-ing him all the way. After a while i totally forgot abt all tt. Then went to town to shop. He was feeling hungry again n so we ate again at Sakura. Oh man! the food suck like shit seh. I would have complain but since i was sick, i decided not to besar2kan. Haha yeah rite. But for wat we know, we are nvr gona eat there again. He then received a call. I asked who, he said his fren. Hell yeah, why must he talk so nicely to HIM. And again i start jeling-ing him.

He keep looking at the time. So i say fine lar, lets go home since im not feeling well either.

On the way, he say lets stop at yew tee as he's craving for bubble tea. I said ok. When we reached, he die2 ask me to go to toilet, and ask me to take my time. What seh. But i just did with no qns asked. Then we walked home. We sat at the void deck only for a short while, then he say he want to terberak n he really need to go. Feeling all sad, coz its so skejap seh, we bid goodbye. When i reached home, i received a msg frm bf saying "Surprise!" I was like huh?. I open the door n SURPRISE! my gfs are at home. Awwwww.

Shikin msged him the plan ttz y he didnt wana let me read it. Mardhiah called him to ask him to take our time. Mardhiah called again to tell tt they were at yew tee mrt too. Haha.

To u peeps it may mean nothing. But to me it meant EVERYTHING. Thnx galfrens n syg. =)
The sunflower.

The boy.

The girl.

Us. =)

At Sakura. The ayam like batu n the nasi like beras.

Muka penat gila.

K i look fat. But its picture perfect. =)

Nie mastermind.

Im all teary =)

Making a wish.

Blushing. Haha.

My precious.

Its suppose to be a pic of me n him.Haha.

I guess he must be really tired. =)
Thnx Atynn, Kyn, Mard n Mai. n Syasya for the cake. =)

To all those sweet people who wished me, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! MUAHXX. =)
Now i cant wait to meet my ibu2. hehe.

Monday, September 18, 2006

2nd entry of d day. i was ok in the morning but i suddenly fell sick. really really sick. my chest hurts, my kepala berat nak mampus. can u believe it. very sickening seh. d whole day i didnt eat anything. i tried. 2 suap of nasi. then i cldnt take in anymore. n now my eyes are steam-ing. haha. ttz wat bf always say. gonna hv my beauty slp. n hopefully tmr will be a better day. it better be!

last year he make the whole pizza hut crew at btp sang for me. i wonder wat he gonna do this time round. hehe. *excited*

well yest was definitely a day well spent. we went shopping! with daddy n mummy of coz, if not why will i be darn happy abt. d main reason is tt we dont have to fork out a single cent, oh wait! ttz d only reason. haha. Firstly went to Geylang to buy baju Hari Raya for the lil brat, sabrina n mother. They bought it at 2nd Chance or was it First Lady? either one lar eh. i bought 1 too. but not frm there, i dont wanna wear something tt almost everyone is wearing. u get wat i mean don't u. i bought this orangey top which am gonna wear it with songket. Mcm class gitu. Hehe. We walk n walk, shop n shop. Mother keep on saying tt we've gone on the wrong day, coz there's so many banglas and indon. N these indon, nak melawa je tapi bau die, tuhan saja lar yg tahu. Den off we went to Peninsula Plaza, to buy shoes. Each one of us got a pair. I bought this slip on. N im like regretting it coz i actuali chose tt over the Papillio tt i've been wanting. But actuali okay lar, nice oso. Hehe. Mother say maybe i can try my luck and ask dad to buy for me for my bday. I will try asking him later. On the way back to Mama house, we calculated tt for one day of shopping we already spent $1K n if my elder sis were to follow, i wonder how much more.

in the car. she's busy counting $$.


showing off mum's n dad's wedding pic.

we spent almost 2 hrs here.

mentel-nye. haha.

she's pretty vain, don't u think so. haha

i thought im d only one who take so long in the toilet.
n to her by wetting her hair, it makes her hair "steady".

nie kes nga merajuk kena pujuk.

to her tt church is a princess house. cute.
us on a windy nite =)

in the car lift. kite semua jakun seh.

wen the green light's on, at the same time everyone say go! haha.

family pic w/o my sis.

the slip on.

Friday, September 15, 2006

i hate it when we quarrel while riding on the bike. he will pecut like nobody's business, like he owns the road. most of the time it scare the shit out of me. it always happen.

n one example was just now, while he was sending me home. luckily there were only few vehicles ard. hello think abt our lives lar, i havent live my life to the fullest yet tau syg. he will also start to selit menyelit in between cars n buses, knowing tt among all im really scared of tt.

talking abt tt i think im suffering frm claustrophobia or in simple terms fear for small spaces. i will sort of automatically hv rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, n i will even start to perspire. i dont know y. serious.

nwaes we r okay now. actuali we r okay at the next traffic light. wen he turn n smile. wanna know y? he sengaja do all tt so tt i will hug him even tighter. *paisey* he really knows how to make me smile. duh, tts y he's my bf. haha.


to lilyn : u mean tt slip on? i bought tt eons ago. tapak die dah hitam n busuk. tong sampah pun tanak agaknye. haha. nwae tts a neckermann slip on. kat mana2 ada. bata pun ada =p.

to innosense : well i've finish my exams. n i got 4 long weeks of holidays. so i can pose 24 7 even while im sleeping. haha.

to dwarf : thanks babe. take care!

to ain : i love u too ibu ainots!! haha. my bday jadi tak klua?? sentosa eh?? hehe.

i badly need someone to talk to but it seems tt no one is willing to lend me their pair of free ears. not even mr bF. haiz.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Went out with Ain & Iffah. We went to Bugis Library with the intention to study. We did. But only for 1 1/2 hrs. Guess how many qns we did? Not even 2. Haha. We did only 1 pathetic qns and i summarised one chapter for them and ttz it. Our stomachs were growling like hell so we quickly get out frm there and went to Tong Seng to eat. We then went to Parco, window shopped. After that we walked all the way to Esplanade where we met a mad man. He was talking and laughing to himself. Iffah was really scared so we make a u-turn, as in we let him walk pass us first than we walk. For a while we thought we lost track of him, skali while crossing the road towards the Padang, aleh2 je he was infront of us. Pelik tapi benar. Haha. We then went to the esplanade library. 2 libraries in a day. So hardworking right? But instead of studying we share jokes, dirty jokes. Haha.
Nwaes there were so many police officers around. No not the handsome ones but the old and boncets ones. Haha. I wonder whether they will be running after the thieves or terrorist or vice versa. No offence. =p.

i heart them <3>

minah belt.

curi2 amek gambar dlm library.

ok, wat was i trying to take here..

muka tak nampak stress langsung eh. haha.

photo of d day. =p

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Last Friday, Saturday & Sunday, we cousins n d whole clan helped Mama. I should be busy studying, but no i didn't even touch the book. I ended up studying only on Sunday night. Nwaes, d wedding was a success. The bridegroom is from London, n the bride works in London but is a Singaporean so u can guess tt the wedding will be kinda grand. On Sunday morning is the nikah, followed by the normal org dtg makan2, then at night is the reception. Its very tiring u know, to be standing the whole day and serving people. But no doubt it was fun fun fun. =)

The pelamin

It was in a C.C, tt explains the stage.

Curi tulang =p

People busy washing and..

clearing up..

We're busy camwhoring, haha.

Geng Bang seLembu.

Baris.. sedia!!??

Up up and away..

we're darn happy its over.
dah kepenatan nie.

with the org2 kuat dapur.

d little brats.