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Thursday, October 26, 2006
cute? it runs in the blood arr. hehe. family pic. the youngest. These are some random pics from d first day of raya. Nwae today we ibu2 were feeling very "Ha" (happy). We were laughing from the time we meet to the time we went our separate ways. Im sure my stomach muscles hv become a bit more tighter due to the non stop laughter. Ceh macam ada six pac gitu. Haha. Nwae come to think of it. This week we only went to school for two days, on wednesday we came halfway since none of us could wake up and for today. Esok holiday lagi. Waduh. Best kan!! And we decide to go jalan raya on the 4th. Anyone wana membontot us?? =p
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
To ALL.. Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf Zahir n Batin. Maafkan lah saya jika ada tersinggung perasaan atau terkasar bahasa ye. Jgn lupa kasi duit raya! =)
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Reply to taggers
Dee: nie lagu "Jujur" by Radja. =) Sharul: haha. u terkejut??!! let me imagine ur reaction. haha. Shashadoll: happening habis. kueh raya banyak dah abes. haha Ella: ur linked babe!! =p Innosense: diz raya like not so happening eh. tapi preparation ok lar, malas nye pasal. hehe. Two days straight i went Geylang. On Friday, i went with Kin. accompany her cari her baju raya. Like makcik2 seh we all. tawar menawar. and we walked ard for almost 4 hrs. n we "borrowed" someone's mum while crossing the road. we were lazy to walk to the traffic light so we decided to jay walk. dua2 penakut abes. haha. so we actualli followed this makcik n d daughter. berdiri betul2 nye dekat. dah macam satu famili. haha. Then the next day, went with the family, met a few familiar faces. Sesak nafas arr. So many people. But i realise tt Geylang now is not as kecoh as last time, maybe because dey separate the other half to Kg Glam. So dollies, when will kluar raya??
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Class photo taken few months back which explains my unglam hair. haha. Pic taken on first day of school which is yesterday. Then in the evening we met up. Was suppose to meet iffah, yan n saiful at 6.15pm at Paya Lebar Mrt n meet ain at 5.30pm at CCK Mrt. BUT i woke up at 5.30pm. Haha. So pls dont mind my unglam pictures. Went to break fast at Kg Melayu, ate the ayam percik. Then we jalan2 ard the bazaar. Had lots of fun. N we took a lot of pictures, its my camera but somebody else was holding it the whole time. TT also explain y, most of the pic are not so glamour like normal. Yan next time bring ur camera lar, den we can ala ala tourist. Haha. My legs are tired of walking n my stomach are tired of laughing but it was an enjoyable nite. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() p/s: Ira can i not do the tag thingy.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Jeng jeng jeng, baking class back in action. this time me n ira bake some choco tarts. i wonder how long this will last, maybe 2 days n it will all be gone. gone in the stomach. haha.
its darn tiring to do this. waiting for it to cool down. yg hilang satu nie kes dah ter'masuk' dlm mulut. hehe n tadaa. looks yummy rite. tgk lar sapa buat hehe. Nwaes i was told tt somebody actuali stoop so low as in sanggup sneak ard, look ard at other people's blog to find out abt another soul's life. pls lar. everyone has their own life. how does it feels like when someone goes ard kpo2, read ur entry n report it to somebody else. no privacy kan. its like ur trying to say tt ur so bored of ur own life n u decide to jaga tepi kain org lain just to excite urself. dumb dumb. im glad we talk things out. i myself cldnt believe i cried tt bad. im just scared of losing u again. well at least, u realise how bad it affects me n now i dare say ur frens r definitely my frens too n im sorry for having d wrong impressions abt them all this while. =)
Thursday, October 12, 2006
On a brighter side. yesterday went out with bf. met up with mardhiah for awhile. she wanted to buy her working shoes. n so we went to causeway point. but for iftar - i learn frm zee -, we went our separate ways as her bibik wanted to treat her as its her bday. for us, we ate at Cavana again. den we have a look at d bazaar there. its way way better than those at Lot 1. Lot 1 bazaar is so pathetic, more like pasar malam to me. Then i went threading, after so long. my eye make-up smeared so badly n d lady actually asked whether i want to touch up, thinking i was going again n said sorry to the bf. funny lar. d one-eye pose. home sweet home.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
d reason for posting the previous entry was actually just to let it all out. everything was happening at the same time. n i cldnt take it anymore n tt explain tt emo entry. n wen i tot everything has settled, came another one. bf msged me n asked whether we could meet up for a while as there's something really important tt we have to talk about. i was out of words. he sounds so serious. i tell u my heart was beating so fast. seeing him taking off his helmet, with his face so black. tt was the first time ever, he did not smile at me wen we meet. i cant believe someone with a really bad heart do exist in this world. what is his motive? tt person actuali told him tt he saw me with another guy at jP. holdings hands n hugging in public. n wen i saw him, i hide away frm him. like wtf kan!! i was at home the whole day yesterday. seriously, what is his fucking motive? is he jealous of us or is he falling in love with my bf? knowing tt i will start hating tt person. bf actually has the heart to hide the identity of tt idiotic jerk. he get away this time. but if i ever find out who the hell he is. he wont hv an easy life. this is not the first time this type of childish thingy happens to us, n im so tired of this. wat is it they really want from us? cant we just live happily?? haiyah. nwaes today me n ira actually went to Sembawang. we decided to make some cookies tt my mum just got from her fren. we met, n our stomach was growling n so we went to eat first (kita cuti ok). den bought the ingredients n went home to start our baking adventure. i was having so much fun but shit has to happen. happy looking at the pics. n for tt moron, pls give me a break! we're on 'holiday' period ok. n we're darn hungry. my lemon chicken rice. n look, so not messy right. before baking. 1st attempt. immediate failure! 2nd attemp. oklar. but the 3rd attempt onwards, it was perfect. but were too excited n ended up didnt took any pics of them. n d brownie. wanna try some?
Monday, October 09, 2006
Boredom definitely was killing me.
Nwaes im the type of person tt once u upset me, i will forever remember it. and so once u make me hate u, i will forever hate u unless miracle happens. its very disappointing when someone u really love and trust and look up to suddenly become the one u detest. Love is something tt cant be forced, tt does not only goes to relationship but siblings love or even parents love. Its true they say air dicincang takkan putus. But wat if ur mind take over ur heart. TT saying definitely wont work. For trust, its not easy to trust someone especially when u trust them 100% and tell them the most secretive thing ever coz the two of u are just so close and thought tt she/he will never let it out. but yet one day, for the sake of her/himself, thinking tt life hasnt been fair to her/him, as you always get away with what u want and not for her/him, without really thinking abt wats d consequences will be like but in order to satisfy him/herself, she/he just let out ur secret, let everything out of the bag. That is so fucking bad. One thing for sure, for me. i will start to hate tt person. its hard i know. but seriously, it doesnt matter if i were to lose someone so dearly to me since she/him sanggup do all tt, its like trying to say tt she/him dont give a damn abt our realtionship. We mite still be ard each other and stuff, but its really pretty hard for me to gain back her/his trust. n as for love, it will nvr be like how it use to be like before. i can assure u tt.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Edited(since someone dont like some of the pics =))
went out with mardhiah and part of the dollies. supposingly was to celebrate her bday. advance bday. but she invited her ite frens too. so ended up as just a break fast outing together. it was a totally different clique seh. like ayu say, "this side is SQ and the other side is Emirates". its not tt we dont get along. we did get along and talk but not for long. n sorry to say this but once a world forever a world to me. someone has been talking 'dunia' n for me i just hate it. period. kin, ayu n maybe syasya will get wat i mean. mardhiah was moody d whole time. it was boring for us as she's not her usual self and especially with her frens, we r not our ownself. ttz wen we dollies decide to break fast together again. and make sure there's no OUTSIDE ppl, only us. a grp phot. n im d odd one out. get it? STEAM-prawns? u get wat i mean? hehe. bday girl n boy. mardhiah n her ite frens the dollies + dan. playing tai-ti. tadda. we're not fat since we can squeeze in. =p dollies again. minah2 vainpot. =) n lastly, d vainpot princess!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Results are out. 2 As n 1C.
It was kinda not up to my expectation. I thought i could maintain a B, for my Accounting but i got a C instead. Shows tt, sometimes u cant be too complacent. But surprisingly for Costing i got an A. Iffah said tt i was the girlfren of Ah Lim ttz y can get so high grades haha. But still, getting a C spoils everything. Anyways went out with Kin today. The main purpose was actually to survey places for this Saturday. We walk here, walk there. Cannot take it seh the smell of those food. Macam nak buka jer haha. N bcoz of tt we ended up shopping instead. Bought a top each. Saw a dress and fell in love at first sight with it. So i mms bf, asking him what he thinks abt it. He said "Oklar, but there's something else tts more beautiful". I dont really get him and asked wat is it and he replied "Ina yg lawa". Aww. =) This is wat u get wen u talk n take pic at the same time. My one n only bestfren. =) Kin say i look very princess wearing this. Haha.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Reply to taggers.
ShashadoLL & Liani : my eyes are better now. the redness tak se teruk tt day. alhamdulillah. hehe. thnx for d condern thou gorgeous. Irza : The nite before my eyes takda apa2. so i dont think its my contacts. budden agn entah lar. my eyes senang sore like during the attachment. remember? but thnx for d concern babe. Innosense : The white thingy is still der, but its not as obvious as before. i think its going away soon. *hopefully* Ainots n Iffots : Ye lar, kita nie macam sehati sejiwa. satu sakit semua sakit. haha. mcm kat skolar. satu sakit yg lagi tiga pun sakit. den semua tak gi skool. muahha. =p Thnx people for the concern. My eyes are better now and i hope i dont need to see a specialist. =) Anyway yest i went to BBDC to have our final theory. yeah2. i enrolled in march but only now then i continue. *malas nye pasal* The instructor was super duper lame seh. kan shikin kan atyn?? I went for both lessons anyway. There's this nyonya, the first lesson, wah dgn senang hati nye drank the big packet of vitasoy in front of us. Then the second lesson, entah wat hot drink pulak. aisey man org tgh haus2, she still can do tt infrnt of us. mcm nak kena slap aja. haha. After being in bbdc for abt half a day *yeah tt long* bf picked me up. n off we went to his place to send the budak2 back to their home. after tt kakak asked me out to accompany her and ira to buy shoe. padahal the next day, which is today, shes going to Hong Kong, she still wanna shopping. well back to the story, she n ira keep saying lets buka. i tell u, lepas satu, satu. *oops* haha. but in the end semua tak jadi. *see we r good afterall okay* =p . in short i was out the whole day, even wen i did not even have a wink of sleep. hectic eh. me with the no-eyelinear look n the bf. *i know i look pale blame the sore eyes n d no time to hv my beauty sleep* shruggs. |