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19 Sept 1987

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Email/Msn: rin_mar@hotmail.com

Friday, December 29, 2006

Thank You For Being You

Through good times and bad,
You were there for me,
When I thought there was no light at the end of the tunnel,
You showed it to me,
When I felt life was too overwhelming,
You telepathically took me in your arms
and told me it would be alright.

When I thought I didn't have the courage,
You showed me I did,
When I thought I wasn't worthy of anything,
You showed me differently,
When I swore I didn't have the strength to go on,
You gave me the strength.

You are my angel sent from above,
You are my dream come true,
You are the lover I always fantansized about,
You are the king of my world,
And you are my knight in shining armor.

You lighten my life,
You fill my heart with happiness,
My soul with love,
You complete me,
You were the piece I was missing in this puzzle that we call life.

I just want to thank you for being who you are,
For loving me, even when I act ridiculous,
For understanding me and my faults,
And, for being the greatest friend and love of my entire life.
Sarah M. Finley

taken 2 yrs back, during countdown, when our r'ship were only a couple of days old. =)

Happy 2 yrs Anniversary to my one n only, who has shared all my pain and sorrows, and also all my happiness and love. For him I am truly thankful.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Im back!! back from where?? well at the very last minute, mama got us tickets to KL. so at 5pm all of us quickly pack our stuff as the bus will be leaving at 10pm tt very night. so u can imagine how kan-cheong we all were. we reached KL at ard 4am then abg is, to those who dont know me, tt is my abang, n yes i have abg ok!. then we went to eat and only reach his house ard 6am. i tell u, everyone was so shagged to the core. i will spare u d details if not u guys will either get bored or get jealous. haha. n so the whole trip lasted for 4 days n 3 nights. n so we shopped n shopped n party! n i saw many familiar faces there. haha.

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Due to the monsoon season which causes flood everywhere, KTM have cancelled most of their trips for the past couple of days n WORST thing, for TOMORROW too!!! Which means my KL trip is CANCELLED!! fuck lar sial!! We will get a full refund, but still, oh man my heart is ACHING!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

work has been tiring. haha. actually my work is just to call n pretend to be some N level student. banyak nye N level. but for 60 bucks okaylar.

anyways met up with dollies, had dinner at Tong Seng. and since we r at bugis. it will be a SIN to not stop by at our favourite hangout place, we went SHEESHA-ing!! haha. budden im too tired to go on n on so let the pics do the talking.

sane us

insane us.

mirrors are girls bestfriends.

our dinner.


guess who.

her first puff.

we shifted to the 2nd level. all this while i didnt know tt there is one!

policeman engrossed talking.

bestfriends since sec1.

slacking, and me talking to bf.

and we get way too comfy.

"no i dont want".. "yes! u have to"

slutty enough?

flaunt it baby.

sawadikap- mai what r u trying to do??

boobies alert!

a group photo.

n pic of the day. i like!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

i was browsing through my old pics and i found this.

those were the days. so chubby. haha.

pic of my blondie hair. haha. BUT i cant wait for my hair to grow long, i miss my long hair!!

n talking abt miss, im missing my ibu2, dollies n of course my syg too!!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

we've been meeting for 3 days straight n yet yesterday before he booked in he said, "i dont know y, but im missing u".. awww.

nS do make this boys become such sweet earthlings dont u agree with me?? =)

anyhoos, all the best to those N level students!.

Friday, December 15, 2006

k to some people. no bf did not have any confinement or whateva thingy u called it. so he will be out every friday.

anyhoos i picked him up just now at boon lay. waduh so many mat CD aka mat2 rep. haha. n it is so difficult to spot him as everyone looks the same. haha. sorry darling its d truth. anyhoos sent him home, he took his shower n me, talk to the mum. wah so many things to talk abt n den vooom off we went. we met my mother first, she actuali laughed when she looked at bf maybe because its her first time seeing him botak. haha. n den we went for dinner. n ttz abt it.

n hey im on hols now. anyone wanna book me?? =p

abg CD. haha.


with the botak-man.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

weeeee. am the happiest girl alive!!

envy me girls. go on!!

wanna know y??

coz bf book out this friday!!

hell yeah! in another word,

TOMORROW!!!!!!. haha.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

wondering wat he's doing now.. we r so used to meet only once a week (except for this late few weeks) and it has only been a few hours but still i kinda miss him...

anyhoos just now nothing went on smoothly. met bf at b.b at 7am and while walking to have breakfast, his bag suddenly koyak. and so we asked his mom to bring a new bag. then off we (his mum, bf n me) went to Jalan Bahar. We were separated as they (the boys) have to do their stuff and we were asked to be seated at this place. not long later bf muncul. saying he cant go in coz his i/c is not with him. his i/c is with the kedai motor coz they need to send it to LTA. padahal yest the boss say they will write him a letter n the nS people will accept it. pantat dia lar. so we have to go to bt merah, but the shop has just opened and we were than asked to wait till 10.30am to get his i/C. then off we went to CMPB since they asked him to report there instead of Jln Bahar. waited for half an hour, then his mother has to go to work and asked me to accompany her home. halfway through bf called and asked me to go back to CMPB to accompany him as they asked him to come back only at 1.15pm. pantat diorg arr. suka2 jer set timing. i pity him seh. seriously seh first day jer dah macam gini. haiz. hope ur doing fine now boyfie.

then i went straight to meet ibu2 minus ain at ite dover for the survey thingy n den i met bestie for dinner and now im at ira's house. its a looong day i know and my eyes could hardly open but, i cant go to sleep. haiz. somebody pls sing me a song, just like how bf normally do, when i cant go to sleep. arrggh.

Monday, December 11, 2006

is it just us or its true tt today everything was so super duper sweet. maybe because he's going off to NS tomorrow. OH MY GOD!! tomorrow eh!!.

nwaes here is a collage of us spending quality time together just now. he actually mengidam main bowling n unfortunately n i really mean UNFORTUNATELY, all the bowling centres tt we went to were either fully packed, closed down or a competion was going on. so we actually wasted many trips but to put it in another way im really glad tt we get to spend time together.

sweet kan. d blue couple. haha.

and just now bf finally sell off his bike. i was there to witness the solemn-but-not-so-solemn occassion. so for now we r bike-free. and his new aim/goal is to have a new bike by his bday. insya-allah eh boyfie.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

So like finally we went vivocity BUT most of the shops had closed. all thanks to the long wait we had earlier tt day as bf wanted to appeal to MP
because of his fine. we waited all the way frm 6pm to 9pm. darah up ar. serious lar. by the time we reached vivo its almost 11pm. since ders nothing we could do we had supper n went home. what a day. n oh yar we went ira house to karaoke. bf were a bit reluctant to go in at first, malu2 kucing, step dah beli air kat luar so takleh masuk rumah org ngn air sendiri. but after a while, wah macam rumah sendiri. n for me, i just watch both of them sing lor. haha. me wanna sing? hujan batu ar nanti.

bf dah "hot" menyanyi.

p ramlee n saloma. hehe.

but his voice just makes my heart melt.

d long wait.

trying to kill time snaping away.

on the way to vivo.

vivo. n i look darn pale lar.


i know the pics are so random but just do with it hor. haiyah bF going away on Tuesday. sial lar, so fast.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Reply to taggers

Lilyn: hmm. both hair can?? so funky, i like!! hehe.
Dya & Dwarf & Izzah : yeah this song rock my underwear lar can!! haha.
Anjer2: its ok babe. hope ur doing just fine. anyway me n atan figure out something. will tell u soon aite =)
Sery: yar lar, irritating kan! nwae i live at yew tee..
Iffah & Lela & *Yana*: honesty is the best policy mahz. haha.
Innosense: not encouraging just giving suggestions. am i always late? hmm wat u say ibu2? haha.
Anna: haha. kirekan its the in-thing lar now eh. so happening kan to be hit by MRT. =p
Iqahluluk: waduh. haha. miss by a tapak. next time just shout my name let the whole world know my name k babe =p
Ainots: biasalar, awk n bf kita kan slalu geng bang sebab tu famous haha.
Mard:no big diff eh?? haha. u mad lady. =)

so d outing to escape was fun fun fun. there were hiccups at first but after a while everything was a-ok. met the bfs at ct hall den went to eat at Marina Square and then off we went to Escape where we met izir aka the chinese boy. haha. so cina ar u. it started out as slow and steady where the bfs were slowly getting to know each other. and after about an hour or so, ah amek kau. they geng up to scare the shit out of us in the haunted house. there were no walking ghosts, so being the clever them, they became the ghost. haha. they ran in first, leaving us behind and disappear. and then out of no where they just appear right infront/behind of us so suddenly. luckily none of us got heart failure!! and of course being girls we were shouting n screaming like no one's business, sampai jatuh terduduk semua. LOL.

anyways ibu2, d next time we go there, y not we let cina boy n my bf sit all alone on the viking ship and we just watch them frm the opposite side. haha.

pure angels.

on the way to Marina Square.
yum yum.

our reflections.
our feetos.
yeah yeah, nak jumpa izir.
ibu2 n bapa'2.
muka penat.
outside Escape.
waiting for bus.
yours truly with her ever falling fringe n bf.