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Monday, February 26, 2007
we quarrelled.
over the word insya'allah n promise. pathetic kan. frm late night all the way til d early morning. we were still on it. stupid kan. but of course we made up. and and.. he's just so super duper extremely sweet lar. u can puke for all i care. haha. but seriously lar, we were supposed to meet at bb but the moment he heard my sengau voice, and tt i sneeze more than i talked, he came down all the way to cck to pick me up frm mama house. even after a tiring day at camp, just to send me home, when my house is just a few bus stops away frm mama house. touching kan! hehe. i will never ever EVER trade him for anything else in this world. =) but then kan, even after all tt im still down with FLU. haiz
Sunday, February 25, 2007
blogger sucks big time!!
Im not gona re-type everything back, so let the pictures do the talking. ![]()
Saturday, February 24, 2007
People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did, But people will never forget how you made them feel. "In the end, it doesn't matter how many breaths you take, but how many moments took your breath away." -Anonymous
Thursday, February 22, 2007
sorry for not updating. paham2 je lar. so basically went out alot during the hols.
17 Feb Went Sentosa with bf. just the two of us. we met a lot of his CD friends, and their comments were all the same " Dua org je, tanak join kita?? Romantic arr korang!". Eh suka hati kita lar. haha. ![]() 18 Feb Had bbq cum bday celebration at mama house. bf msged he was darned bored at home, so he came down and we lepak with my cousins and talked crap. 19 Feb Went to ECP. It was raining, but tt doesnt stop us frm having our picnic. 20 Feb Went to Sentosa, mama's treat. Then in the evening had dinner at Sakura International Buffet. ![]() 21 Feb Had diarrhoea in the wee morning, but force myself to go to school. on the way back, i suddenly feel giddy and couldnt even stand up. luckily there's ain n fiha. they helped me out of the train. than the smrt people came with wheelchair, they were saying my face was very pale. he asked whether i wana go hospital but i dont want to, scared lar. so they took me to the nearest doctor, n all the way, i was on the wheel chair. best ada, paisey pun ada. haha. doctor said tt i've got gastric flu and fever and the reason y i feel like fainting was due to dehydration. nwaes thanks babes, if u two were not around i dont know what will happen. =) ![]()
Thursday, February 15, 2007
i will forever be a photographer. hah.
nwaes yest was v-day and so i received chocolates frm my chinese girls and also a flower cum chocolate from yan. and it happens tt ain brought along her digi cam and so we camwhored. during auditing class, ah lim shared with us how he met his wife, funny i tell u. but the moment ah lim wanted to start the story, some of the guys quickly went out of the class, maybe because they just cant be bothered. ah lim looked at them and just shake his head. haha. sometimes i just pity tt ah lim. ![]() and today was another camwhoring session. iffah bought her digi cam this time round. we camwhored in the canteen during our break, during the boring and lame CDP lesson, at the amphitheatre, outside the toilet and in short, at every corner of the school. we also took many photos of our handsome cum clever cum irritating boys of our class too. too bad they wont be going to the dinner and dance, if not im sure there will be alot of ![]()
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
3 more weeks to endure and then no more having to go through the same old boring routine of going to school anymore. weeee. nwaes yest we went to ngee ann poly, i thought i could apply through DAE but they asked me to apply through .self timer. .otw to town. .org gila part 1. .part2. .part3. .glowing faces. .wasting time. .but to but. .home sweet home.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
bf: Ina can u come out for a while?
me: huh? out where? for what? bf: out of the house, just for a short while. me: huh? now?? ok! and so i get out and saw him standing right outside the gate, with his left hand behind him and smiling mentel-ly. he and his surprises, for no rhyme and reason he bought me a flower. a lily this time round. n so it adds on to my growing collection. he just know how to make my day. =) i just dont understand why people dont want to understand or worst still, pretend not to understand.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
.Those were the days.
No wonder they say tt "It is during the secondary school time where all the fun is. " For now, lets plan an outing shall we??
Friday, February 02, 2007
ouch. it has been two days, and my leg is still aching.
well two days ago, we had our napha test straight away after school. so after the 5 stations and the 3km run, it was supposed to be 2.4km right? but our kind teachers decide to change it... how nice of them, we quickly clean ourself up and get ready to go to the stadium. it was darn tiring i tell u but it was all worth it. it was only the 4 of us, yes we 4 ladies with no fiya wore the wrong colour shirt. haha. the handsome guys. .pout. .full house. .final score. we won again!. .tired faces.