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19 Sept 1987

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Email/Msn: rin_mar@hotmail.com

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

were supposed to be back on sunday but we met with a minor accident, actually our car met with an accident and thus have to send it for "plastic surgery" causing us to stay for one more day. dad has to call his boss saying he cant report for work and the two brats have to ponteng school all because of the surgery. haiz. but the kampung trip was fun the only think was tt, we didnt take any pics. haha.

and for today.... i think i lost 10kg arr. *exaggerate*. walked around alot today. me, iffah and ain went shopping. our dinner and dance is this friday. how time flies. and on monday we gonna get our results. im so not looking forward for tt coz i know this time round i did really badly. but anyhoos didnt take alot of pics today. but had a great time with my 2 konyols. =)

.iffah izzati.

.nur ain.


.@ bin talib, i think. hah.

.paragon's toilet.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

i just sent bestie home and since i cant get back to sleep so i decide to blog. well, shikin sleepover yesterday, and we talked about almost everything throughout the whole night, minus the 3 hrs when we accidentally fall asleep. haha. but we did have fun right bestie. reminiscing those past, those beautiful memories. we were thinking of having a reunion just like the one we had b4 zee went to paris, where all regenites and i mean REGENITES gather together. NO outsiders. shall we peeps?

anyhoos, on monday i went to ite mcpherson to collect my good progress award. yeah im $300 richer now!! haha. the whole thing lasted for barely half an hour but the journey, mak oii, about an hour. after everything me, jovin n chen hui decided to go vivo while waiting for bf. hell yeah, for the very first time i went somewhere far in school u n no make ups. we walked around, then jovin treated us to starbucks and then i bid them farewell as bf was waiting for me. then frm there me n bf went to Chinatown, to the Court, no not Courts but Subordinate Court. weee. at last he settle his $500 fine. we then went for dinner at Lot1, slack for awhile and off we go, he back to his camp and me home sweet home. a very short meet up but a very meaningful one. <3

.while waiting for our turn.

.the award.

.at vivo.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

and so yet another Saturday has passed. n as usual had my weekly dosage aka a day spent with bf. we went to shop for my dnd dress. oh god how i wish i could kill him! he was such an ass i tell u. but still i love him to pieces. and at the end of the day, i found one, an extremely simple dress and its light gold in colour. and it was at a low price too. hehe.

there was this incident tt i have to share with u guys. we were sitting under this void deck when a guy came up to us. he was there infront of the vending machine for don't know how long, even before we were seated there.

guy: bro, ada coins tak? (showing us his $2 note)
bf: (check his wallet) ada $1.80 je.
guy: takpe ar, nah amek 2 ketul nie, machine tu dah brapa banyak coins aku dia kaup.

he went back to the vending machine and start slotting in the coins, i was 100% sure he was high. as he slot the coins in he was mumbling something to himself. and to just buy 1 can of drink, he was taking forever. after about 10mins, he was done. he picked up his plastic bag and walked away.

bf: eh abeh air kat dalam tu tak amek?
guy: eh, a'ah belo sak aku nie. thanks eh bro.

he walked back and took out his drink. and guess what, there was 3 of them!! yes 3!

so first of all mister, no, the machine did not telan ur money. u didnt take the drink out frm the vending machine! and secondly, since u just telan pil, which was so obvious! pls dont even bother to buy anything which is near the police post!!

haha. i seriously couldnt control my laughter and burst out laughing so loud. and no, it didnt end there. he went back and talk to bf.

guy: nama sapa?
bf: atan.
guy: oo. aku ateng.
and it goes on and on.

wah dah high still can joke around. nama ateng konon. hahaha.

Friday, March 09, 2007

n so today marked the last day of school. there r so many things to share with u gorgeous ppl but i will update u later alright.

for now i've to get ready, am going jogging with dear bf. yes jogging!! maybe he finds me fat lar ttz y he force me to go jog with him. maklum lar, now he's a PTI(physical training instructor)-to-be so being his gf, i have to be setaraf with him. have to be fit too. i think. haha. u lar gemok! say me gemok. but still kan, i love you lar!! <3

Thursday, March 08, 2007

we decided to not go to school today, but we did meet up to study. as usual meet up with ain n fiya at CCK as early as 10am n off we went to bugis to meet iffah. stomach was grumbling so bad so we went to Tong Seng for our breakfast cum lunch. while waiting for our food, there was this busuk n mad old malay guy who came to us. first he ask for a cigarette, then i said we dont smoke. thought he left? no! he stayed there and ask for $2. we then just ignored him but he was still standing there and laughing and smiling and pointing at us. wah lao takut gila babi seh. everyone was looking but none came to the rescue. and so i turn and make eye contact with the uncle cum waiter to come and help us. luckily for him tt busuk n mad malay guy walked away. scary seh!! after tt we went to bugis library but changed our mind and walked all the way to esplanade library. we studied there, for almost 2 hrs than we started to joke ard. short attention span lar what to do. then i went home first as the other 3 konyols continue to window shopped. later in the evening i received a called frm ain, guess what? ain n fiya were being chased by 2 down syndrome boys in the train. and the same thing happen again, no one came to help them and the ite boys can even laughed at them. nasib baik aku dah balik arr. hahaha. what a MAD day for us huh.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

well hello gorgeous, been a week since i last updated. main reason was of coz, there was just nothing to blog about. hehe.

except for the weekends, on Saturday, a day specially reserved for the dearest bf. *hint* so no asking me out on Saturdays. we went to LTA to settle his saman and then both of us was having this sudden craving for nasi ayam penyet. and so we travelled all the way to Kg Melayu, it then started to rain cats n dogs n gorillas all, macam nak patah balik jer, but lapar nye pasal we just continue. the trip there was worth it i tell u. tt nasi ayam penyet is definitely the best!!

well the following day, had a mini gathering with the dollies, been ages since we last met. we went to C2k for dinner. as usual the attendance was bad bad bad. but at least they tried to make time. and so we had a fabulous time. more gatherings soon ok?

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soon he will be one of us. haha. sorry dan.

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girls will always be girls, right?

why do people always assume tt someone is talking abt them when the fact is tt no one is talking abt them. assuming is bad u know. it may kill u. trust me. hah.