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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
due to the overwhelming... hmm tags, i shall not keep anyone in suspense.
on 21st May, i will start schooling at MDIS. i took up Diploma in Business Management. n yes it will be at Queenstown. hmm, did i left anything out? oh wait a min, 3 days before school starts it will be my darling bf's bday. shittos. i've yet to plan anything!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
u suck big time . at times.... IHATELOVE!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
an entry FOOOOOOL of pictures and lame captions.
we ibu2 finally meet up. went sentosa and we camwhored all the way. the beach was almost empty but they were many couples, some even make out kan korang kan!. haha. and tourists took pictures with us again. we were happily eating our ayam goreng when there was this group of china men who was standing beside us smiling n grinning widely at us. one of them ask whether we understand mandarin and we said yeah. they said we are pretty ladies. haha. take pics with us like superstar seh, padahal2. then we went to have our luge ride. it was my first time and i definitely recommend to u guys to try it! fun tau! but beware of the gatal workers, esp the one with the name 'dinz'. so cheeky and flirty. serious tak bedek. haha. after tt we lepaks at vivo while waiting for izir to come and fetch iffah. wah, really lepak i tell u, sampai terbaring2, tergolek2 seh. kuci wawa kaka =p .start of the day. .getting ready. .one of the many attempts. .us... and the lifeguard?. haha. .superwomen saving lady with big boopies!. .alah2 bollywood yg tak menjadi. .cute baby with bikini. .just like marykate and ashley.. not. haha. .another cute baby with hot daddy. .luge ride. .fiya, what's with the face eh?. .back to vivo. .i kill u, u kill her. .no teeth monsters. .still sane. .eee, iffah dah gila!. .iffah stop acting sweet eh! haha. .posing yg tak maut. .one of the few picture perfect. .dah start gila. .help me! mad people. .hmm.no comments. .finally.a stop to all the mad-ness. our tired faces.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
unfortunately zee n syasya, i did went to sentosa just now. yeah there were dark, cloudy clouds here n there but there was no rain at all. haha.
went there with bf n his camp mates. but i didnt swim, saving it for this tuesday! nwaes dgr2 mcm ramai yg turun, but only 3 turn up. pathetic kan. haha. after some time at the beach we all then went to rasa sentosa resort coz 4 of his mates stayed there. they came frm somewhere arab country there, they came down here to take up course, ttz the reason y there are with these pti's to be when back at their country they are already a pti themselves. n they are fucking rich lar. each own a car n etc2. to be able to stay at this hotel for this 9 weeks, n only go back to the hotel every weekend, im sure u can guess how rich they are. so back to the story, we met them, then they show us ard. haha, yeah i know! a foreigner showing sporeans ard. like wth! played pool, table tennis and then Mohamed treat us all to Delifrance. then we went separate ways. me n bf went to the "Flea fly flo fun flea market" at Home Club. then we eat AGAIN, walked ard and then home sweet home. oh yar.. im sure u all know bapoks/pondan right?!. these ppl are normally sort of young and hv nice body kan?? while we were at clarke quay, we came across this bapok. he is damn old i tell u!. his hair is like normal apek hair but he wears a sexy dress with high heels n his lips are damn red. and he is forever adjusting his breast! haha. one similarity with the other bapoks is tt, he sure did catch alot of ppls attention!! lol. .otw. .waiting for them. .the hotel/resort. .the guys in action. .aida, me n her were tired of waiting for them. .the joker. .the bapok sexy back. haha. .us.=)
Friday, April 13, 2007
it has been a daily routine for us to talk on the phone every night once he booked in. but yest i didnt receive any call or sms frm bf. so when he called me just now i was so pissed off.
me: y didnt u call or sms me yest?! bf: i was too tired and busy memorising my speech, sorry lar. me: wah so busy until u forget how to sms issit, dont tell me u didnt even touch ur hp. bf: yar, it was in the locker the whole day yest. i didnt take it out. me: ye lar kita kan sapa, u rather keep it in the closet, than take it out and sms me. bf: yar i rather keep u in the closet. me: what?!! (i didnt hear the "keep u" part and was about to blow my top) bf: keep u in the closet, so no one can see you, no one can disturb u, no one can do anything to you. only i hv the privilege, only i can see you. like that i can have u all by myself. that seriously left me speechless. baik2 nak marah terus tak jadi. haha. <3<3<3<3<3<3 nwaes konyols lets go sentosa can? my badan got so many belangs that i think i can pass off as a zebra as in u know kuda belang. haha serious tak bedek. jom plan jom!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Lets not talk about polys anymore. im so over it. nwae thnx for the concern people.
On monday, which was 2 days ago, we dollies finally meet up. it was a last min thingy i tell u. on tt very morning we calling2 each other to see whether each and every one of us are free and maybe could meet up n surprisingly 8 of us turn up. we pretty much talked about everything and anything we could think of. n the hot topic was, "zoe swallow, do u?" haha. what a day. it feels so good to be able to meet them after so long and the fact tt it was a monday, so much for monday blues huh, well just like zee named it " monday extrodinaire". =) .3 dara pinggitan. .bonding. .such sane people dont u think so. haha. .@ starbucks. .the "divider".
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
prior to the entry made earlier.
just a msg frm him and he managed to make my day tt was so sucky turn out to be a better one. "kan atan dah cakap. poly in spore semua bodoh2. they rugi to lose a good student like u." no offence to those polys thou. =)
Life is
how can someone with a much lower gpa than me, get into poly AND NOT ME. boifren i need u now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go awol or something pls =(
Monday, April 09, 2007
i THINK Np rejected me. (they should have at least called or post a letter like other polys to confirm with us tt we r being rejected or what and not let us wait like waiting for buah yg tak jatuh2.)
so now should i... a) be a professional bummer b) work and study part time c) work for 1 yr and try my luck for poly agn next yr d) just work my ass out bf said i shldnt be too disappointed. take it in a positive way. i can start working now. by the end of the 3rd yr, who knows i might get promoted n earn much more. or maybe being the fickle minded me, i want to change job after 3 yrs, it will be easier to find a new one since i've got yrs of experience. IF i were to get into poly. after 3 yrs, yes i will get a diploma but not many company wants fresh graduate, they prefer those with experience. he defintely did make sense there. unfortunately, i still couldnt make up my mind. boohoo. <3<3<3<3<3 im sure u girls have been approached by some people who will come to you asking for ur name, age and hp and give u a namecard for donoe what model agency right. well last sat, as i was out with bf there's this girl who came up to me and etc2. she was talking real close to me tt bf had to comment, "is she trying to kiss you or what?" haha. funny seh. than after tt start the lame joke. bf: were u always approached by this ppl? me: not always lar bf: do they call u? me: yeah sometimes. y? bf: oh. me too. i got few stacks of this kind of namecards. (muka serious) me: then do u go down to their place? bf: no, i asked them first how much do i get paid. me: then.. bf: they said, $1k per shot. me: uwah, so expensive ar ur face. bf: ada yg nak kasi sampai $10k arr, but i reject. me: y?? bf: my face of course worth more lar!! hahaha. <3<3<3<3<3 when i asked him y he wants to get married with me. he said because he wants his children to be as beautiful and sweet as me. awww. is tt the nicest thing to hear or what. =)
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
I got this in one of my e-mail.
A: likes to drink. B: Likes people. C: is wild and crazy. D: Has one of the best personalitiesever. E: A GOOD KISSER. F: People adore you. G: never let people tell you what todo. H: Have a very good personality andlooks. I: Loyal to those you love. J: Lives life for fun. K: Really silly. L: Loved by everyone. M: Makes dating fun. N: dead sexy. O: Best in bed. P: Popular with all types of people. Q: A hypocrite. R: F*ckin crazy. S: Easy to fall in love with. T: Loyal to those you love. U: Really like to chill. V: Not judgemental. W: Very broad minded. X: Never let people tell you what todo. Y: One of the best damn bf/gf anyonecould ask for. Z: Always ready. .MARINA. well some are true, some maybe yes maybe not and some are definitely not true. me "dead sexy", u've got to be kidding me! haha. nwaes gotten back my results. 2 Bs. ok lar but not up to expectation. so in total, after studying Accounting for 2 damn yrs, i've got 6As, 3Bs n 2Cs. frankly speaking, this is the first time in my life i've gotten alot of As! haha. hopefully they approve my application to poly. i dont want to be a working lady.....yet! on a totally different note, my dear konyols aka ibu2 and my dollies, pls plan a gathering soon ok. pretty pls!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
The dinner and dance was a blast, eventhou the food wasnt tt great and the dancefloor wasnt tt happening. "the gorgeous ladies who makes the most noise and forever taking pic". haha. tt was funny. and as u can read frm the others' blogs, each and every one of us get to go up to the stage. i was indeed surprise when i was nominated as one of the nominees for Prom Queen. me n izzah. n for iffah she won the 1st prize, 50-50 k? haha. fiya and her mr bean dance. ain n her shiny watch. ayu feeling2 model bila turun stage and faj and nurul did thier thing too. the whole thingy ended ard 10pm like tt, and as the night is still young some of us decided to go sheesha. so much of asking what time is the last train eh ain. haha. n ttz wen i found out tt Dewi's shop is just next to Al-tazzaq, dont really know what her shop is all about thou. nwaes babes, i did have a fun time with u gilers. do keep in touch aite gorgeous! for now let the picturesssss do the talking. =)
.waiting for the rest. .with the decent nonsense fiya. .with the gothic ain. .with my lovely cousin aka the organiser. .gorgeous ladies. .my beloved konyols. .our table. .with the pretty izzah. .goofing around. .ain on stage. .fiya n her mr bean dance. .d lucky girl. |