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19 Sept 1987

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Email/Msn: rin_mar@hotmail.com

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

hello, just to let u ppl know. i deleted my friendster account. why?
coz im beginning to find them irritating. spam here spam there.
very the frustrating u know. =(

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Gelare. Zara. Hairspray. Donut Factory. Sky garden. Borders. Burger King

.our breakfast.

.Donut Factory, at last!.


.the kembar of the day.

.super kawaii.

.when red meet blonde? hehe.

.up up up n away!.

.charlie's angels?.

.rain rain go away, pls dont spoil my top n hair.

.my dear sya2 has split personality. dont believe? k look, she can be so sweet one moment.

and the very next moment she tried to kill me! see, i told ya. haha.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Just like how hot doughnuts are now, quizzes are just as hot too!
so what are u waiting for. try doing mine. haha

Take the Quiz

mari kita tgk sapa yg menang!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

one fine day...

me: hv u ever thought abt our future?
bf: hmm nope.
me: u mean u nvr think far? like how we will be like once we start working n all?
bf: no lar.
me: serious? so u only think abt d present? k tell me what is d furthest u hv ever thought of?
bf: we are married, with kids.

waduh. sometimes i can just vomit blood talking to him. haha.

anyways, results for last term are out.
i've got As for all. yeah!!
so bf u owe me presents ya.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

. d boss is very extremely gatal kan girls but i had fun eventhough i joined u girls super duperly late. my bday coming up next! haha.

.d boss took this.

.presenting ain with the gift.

.original babey.


.asal eh semua muka gtu.

.ARAB st.

.after countless times eh korg. smoke machine. haha.

.yours truly.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

went to watch fireworks yesterday. was told tt the fireworks starts at 9pm but we waited til almost 9.30pm. bf was saying fireworks also know abt "janji melayu". yeah right. haha. n then off we went to his friends' chalet. was supposed to be there, at what, 8pm? but since i die2 wanna watch the fireworks, his friends left us first. we reached the chalet at almost 11pm. (we were lost lar, west meet east mah). then makan here, joke there then off we go. and when i thought i could go home n sleep, i realised tt i've forgotten to bring my house keys. n the best thing, no one was at home. pfft. lucky the bf wanted to keep me company. waited til almost 2am then the parents came back. what a "waiting" day!

.waiting for the fireworks.

.see how big his eyes can be. n he's darn tann kan, compared to me.

Friday, August 17, 2007

.seriously, like alien's head right.

.from the moment she start shampooing my hair til she finished blow drying it, she kept saying "eh so red, so nice!".

tadaa. highlights of reds. cant see?

.now can see?.

.thanks love, ms clerk banker of Tokyo bank.
and HAPPY 20th BDAY darling, sunday okies!!

btw know what my mother said?
" eh dik, ur hair like ah beng girlfriend"
oh no mother, i no ah lian okay. this is what they call trend.
"trend? mcm rambut nyonya yg aku bebual ngn tadi je"
wtf??? hahaha.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

oh Mariah Mariah.. (humming the song by Santana)
havnt edit yet but dah ok. baru nak call u a genius.
hehe. but thanx.

now it 11am. i shall shower super duper quickly, coz im supposed to meet Ain at 12pm at ct hall.

ni lar janji melayu. ceh ceh.

Kimage... wo lai le!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

what happened to Friendster?

"Saviour of the soul"


Monday, August 13, 2007

well. aslin got it right. its because, tt ant uses one of its leg to tutup the hidung. smelly mah.

such a common sense qns kan. haha.

k here's another one:

why did the boy bring a ladder to school??

Saturday, August 11, 2007


try solving this:

an ant has 6 legs right.

so there's this smelly diaper at the corner of a room.
an ant then walk past it.
how come the ant is left with only 5 legs?

aisyah gave us this riddle to solve. NONE of us got it right. when she told us the answer, all of us were laughing non stop. so anyone wanna guess? will tell the answer in the next entry yah.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


0900-1200: school
1300-1330: meet the 2 konyols at the cathay
1345-1415: lunch at LJS
1420-1505: this fashion-ing
1506-1510: rush for movie which starts at 1505. haha.
1515-1630: Alone. lots of screaming, laughing and closing of eyes. =p
1700-1945: shopping and window shopping at Far East
2000-2145: eat n talk n eat n talk outside Taka.
2200-2245: home sweet home

0500hrs: he called. ain, iffah, he finally call!!

.while waiting for ain.
.after movie.
.its been a while since i last bun my hair.
.attractive enuff?.
.eating those 5inches... hotdogs. =p
.yours truly adjusting her contacts.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

what is love?
love is what?
what love is?

according to some dictionary,
"love is the emotion of sex and romance"

i think they left out something,
"love is the emotion of sex, romance and ARGUMENTS"