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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Jalan Raya with Dollies Our lives were in Zee's hand tt day. At first no one has confidence in her, except for shikin. haha. But as time passed, she aint tt bad afterall. but as a driver kan Zee, u scream alot lar. =p Me and bf were then "kicked" out by them after the 2nd house, we terpaksa naik motor coz obviously 10 pantats, no matter in what sizes and shapes, cant fit in 1 car. Btw it was almost 1am when we reached the last house, so pls dont mind the rosengness. .girls. .we look tall. .@ Kin's. . the guys. .d co-driver and d driver. .formal. .candid. .@ Tynn's. .girls. .roseng + tired. .for your info, this was not our dinner. it was already past midnite, this was our supper n hell yeah we do eat alot. haha. .lastly, yours truly with the bf.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
me and bf were talking abt "tanda-tanda kiamat". we were taking turns telling each other what we knew. it was bf turn...
bf: do you know y animals cant talk? me: y? bf: bcoz they know more than us. meaning tt they will know if kiamat is nearing and tt is why we dont understand their language. me: yeah, im sure if we understand them it will be chaotic. bf: do u also know tt one of the tanda2 is tt animal will be able to talk and we will understand them. me: really? bf: serious. n recently there were news tt there is this cat in japan who can talk. me: bedek!! bf: betul. it can interact with people. the cat really talk! me: i never heard of the news pun. bf: when have i ever lie to you? betul lah. the cat is blue in colour. me: *thinking hard* bf: they even name the cat. me: what? bf: DORAEMON! CHITOT ar! haha. Nwaes just now, me n my mdis mates get to watch movie for FREE. yes! all 5 of us. Thanks to the pakcik lampu for being able to let us sneak in. unfortunately i cant tell u guys where n how it happened coz we might invite trouble, especially to the pakcik working at tt cinema/shopping mall. syiok kan! =)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Jalan Raya with MDIS mates .first house. coincidently, we all were from ite bishan. =) (fad.mas.yatt.yanee.me) .Mas' little neighbour, has a crush on me. he always come to me, give me cakes to eat and salam only me when we're goin home. hehe. ![]() .yg nie, caught in the act. she finish all the kuih cornflakes. kalau boleh nak bring back the big tupperware skali kan yatt? haha. . if u guys are observant enough, u will spot something. =p .this 2 are always infront of us, reason... ... we were walking darn slowly, n taking pics. =) .lurrrve the glass. .3rd house, Fad's house. .ngotot eh semua. .only at the 4th house and we all were feeling tired. .nice. .mind your own business baybeh.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Edited K now dah change back to 27th since kin n mai can make it only on tt day. for nana, try to come ok. so CONFIRM no more changes. 27th it is! You better come on 28th ehk, i dont care!! I want to see ur face tt day! u either take leave or switch ur shift with ur colleagues. If begging ur in-charge do help, pls do so!! PLEASE lar awak! Change shift with ur colleague k, tell her if she agree to change shift with u, i will buy her chocolates ok, lots and lots of it! Puhleasssse!!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Pictures Galore .with my favourite cousin. abg is. kakak. me .d thorn among the roses. .with the teenagers. .Mother's side. .with shah rukh khan junior. .like they say, "pari-pari yang tak betul". .Father's side. .patriotic kot. hehe. .so angel like ehk. =p org tak kasi makan ke?? haha. it was an impromptu idea to have our dinner at Eatzi. sedaaaap! n did u notice tt my hair is no more red? i decided to tone down the colour. hari raya mah, so i hv it dyed again. its purplish black this time round. nice not? =p
Sunday, October 14, 2007
We, from the Maiden family, would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all umat Islam in Singapore. Minta ampun and maaf to all jika ada terkasar bahasa atau tersilap kata. Muahx. =)
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
my bf shops like a girl, worst then me ok!. we walked for almost 3 hrs just to find ONE baju kurung. "nie the material panas lar". "this one so jarang, later must buy singlet, leceh". "y dont hv the pants, wear baju no need to wear pants ar?". " eh this one like budak madrasah nye uniform". eeeee. cekik darah seh. n after all the walking n whining, he decided to buy a plain white baju kurung. for all tt "suffering" i've endured, im gonna buy him a pink samping n make sure he wears it!!. nyehehe. .supper at Al azhar. .the fickle minded boy. .sweet couple kan. =p Btw, my left knee now has a big blue black mark. all thanks to the lorry and the boifren. As u all know geylang is forever congested with vehicles, so motorcyclists will often selit menyelit. While we were selit menyelit-ing, my knee got knocked against this lorry next to us which was turning too. waduh, painful ok! i must have shouted out loud when my knee langgar the lorry tt even the driver turned to look at me. The lorry suffered no damages thou but my knee did ok. The bf was saying sorry n rubbing my knee all the while when we were still on the road. Nasib tak nangis. hehe.
Friday, October 05, 2007
K now u can knock me hard on my head, instead of revising for my exam i itchy hand go paint my room. i've yet to start on anything, camne yatt? camne yanee? .d curtain n d bedsheet is so out of colour. .how? can open a mini library rightttt. . n ain this is for u. see tt small window up there? tts where i hang d dried flowers. u guys listen to Ria, 89.7? They use to hv this sharing of ghost stories session at 12am every weekdays but since its the fasting month they changed it to sharing of funny stories. So i jolly well assume tt there wont be any ghost stories and switched on the radio. it was about 1plus in the morning and i was all alone.i was happily painting and humming hari raya songs and trying not to be afraid, the dJ then played one of their "ghost songs", u know the one tt goes "pocong... pocong.." suweek betul! i quickly ran over to the radio and pulled out the plug. scary ok especially when at tt moment of time i was painting the wall below the windows. and eventhough i live on the 2nd storey, whenever u look out of my bedroom window theres this big tree ok. not wanting to paint my room half way, guess what i do. i dont want to close the windows as i will not be able to breathe. so i open the left window n close the right window while painting the walls on the right n then when i paint the left side of the walls i close the left side and open only the right window. n i dare not look up lar. its kinda funny whenever i think of it now. hahaha. and pardon me for the messy-ness of my room. after exam then can really clean it up. for now, 11 cases of law, here i coooooooooooooooooome!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
The bf's bike. He revamped it again. this boy eh, i seriously wish tt i could knocked his head hard. we are left with abt 8 more days to raya, n instead of busy buying baju raya, he is busy with his bike. Yes larling, he has yet to buy anything for raya (nanti yang jadi sasaran aku jugak). ishk. But still i love this boy more than anything in this world. =p
Monday, October 01, 2007
You are my heavenly music,
And the words to my song. You are my heart and soul, I will love you forever long. You know at times when u havnt quarrel for so long, u will find something is amiss, u then try to find fault with tt person. When u start quarrelling, u will then regret it so much. No? Never did tt before? Dont bluff! (esp u Kin) =p People. They are never satisfied with one thing, right? N one good example of this type of people is.... ME. Nwaes results are out n alhamdullilah i got all As again. =) |